Representative Matt Leber

Veteran for State Senate


Matt Leber

Rep. Leber is a decorated combat veteran, husband, father, patriot, and limited government constitutional conservative who is dedicated to promoting South Carolina values and helping ordinary Americans thrive. Rep. Leber currently represents House District 116, a former democratic stronghold that he successfully flipped to Republican in 2022. 

In the House of Representatives, Rep. Leber was elected as Chairman of one of the largest freshman caucuses in state history and chosen as Legislator of the Year by the American Legion.

While Democrats aggressively pushed for abortion, gun control, and COVID-19 lockdowns, Rep. Leber worked relentlessly to defend his constituent’s constitutional rights in House District 116 while advocating for transparent limited government in Columbia.

Rep. Leber is tired of seeing conservative legislation dying in the Senate. He believes in the people of South Carolina and is dedicated to unshackling the American dream.


I ran as a champion of small business, and I delivered by consistently opposing bills that over-regulate and over-tax our local businesses. I stood up for our Oystermen when their jobs were threatened; I opposed the insurance regulations that are driving our food and beverage establishments out of business; and I am fighting to increase our energy supply options so that South Carolina remains an attractive place to do business for years to come.


Far too many of our rural communities struggle with the affordability and accessibility of quality healthcare. I have worked to bring new hospitals to our district, supporting the construction of a St. Jude affiliate clinic on Johns Island so that all children have access to the highest quality of care. During COVID-19, I stood for medical freedom and pushed against government mandates, fighting to ensure that it is individuals, not bureaucrats, who make critical healthcare decisions.


As your state representative, I successfully fought to increase teacher pay and place resource officers in every school in the state. Our families need options in their children's education. That is why I supported the initial phase of school choice that provides needs-based assistance to impoverished families. Now, we need to expand school choice to ensure all families have access the same high-quality public education that every child deserves.

Law Enforcement

As a core government function, law enforcement must be fully funded. While law enforcement in our nation is under attack, we must send a message that the lawlessness and chaos in Democratic-run cities and blue states have no place in South Carolina. I am proud to have voted for bond reform, the fentanyl bill, and to criminalize the luring of a minor. In the Senate, I will remain committed to working with our law enforcement partners to keep South Carolina safe.


Family is the bedrock of our society and therefore a natural target for the radical left. Parents should be the ones in control of their children; men should not play in little girls’ sports; and children should be taught to love our country, not hate it. I have stood for traditional values and against the left’s perverse obsession with sexualizing our nation’s youth. In the Senate I will continue to safeguard the sanctity of the family.

Gun Rights

I am proud of my record as one of the staunchest supporters of the Second Amendment. I voted for constitutional carry, and when unelected bureaucrats in Charleston County tried to ban firearms on 11,000 acres of public land, I stood in their way and fought to defend your Second Amendment rights. In the Senate, I will block red-flag laws and fortify our state against unconstitutional federal overreach. 

Judicial Reform

Our state needed judicial reform; I sponsored the bill and led the fight to make it happen. Our judicial system is sacrosanct, and we cannot allow activist judges to promote their social agenda rather than uphold the constitution and determine the law in a fair, impartial, and objective manner.


Our roads and infrastructure should be in the hands of local legislative delegations who are accountable to you, the voter. I want to audit the Department of Transportation and end the infrastructure bank that gives unelected bureaucrats in Columbia the power to decide which potholes get fixed and which ones languish for years, causing inconvenience, frustration, and even safety issues for our road users. We need structural change, and I will fight to deliver a system that allocates funding based on need, not special interests.


I refuse to stand by while the bureaucratic state slowly stifles our freedom and opportunity. I am a small-government constitutional conservative. I believe we should prioritize core government functions, balance the budget, and seek to cut taxes whenever feasible. I will always resist calls to grow the size of government, and above all, I will never forget that I am accountable to you, the voters.

South Carolina deserves better!

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